Twitter Marketing

Twitter is a short message communication social media platform that allows you to “tweet” (send messages) of up to 140 characters long to people who follows you. You are able to include a link or an image in your tweet. If a picture is worth a thousand words, adding an image to a tweet will greatly help you to convey your message that is beyond the 140-character limit. You are able to favourite a tweet or share one by retweeting. Likewise, your follower will be able to retweet your tweets as well which helps in spreading messages from an account to another. Twitter has become the fastest way to break news. The #hashtag function will also help to promote your messages effectively.

Twitter Marketing Services

  • Setting up twitter account
  • Optimizing twitter account
  • Building your brand through tweets
  • Targeting followers
  • Connecting with the right people
  • Measurement and analytics
  • Maintaining Twitter Account through Favourites, tweets, mentions, retweets and hashtagging
  • Add on: Twitter Advertising

Twitter Facts and Statistics

1. There was a 24% increase in monthly active users (MAU) over the last 4 quarters with the total now at 271 million.
2. Twitter has added 53 million users in the last 12 months
3. Twitter’s monthly mobile users now total 211 million, which is a gain of 29%
4. 81% of Twitter’s advertising revenue came from mobile ads
5. Twitter is growing the fastest in Asia Pacific with expectations it will increase its user base by more than 33% in 2014 according to eMarketer
6. Advertising revenue per thousand timeline views reached $1.60 in the second quarter of 2014 which is an increase of 100% over the last year

Twitter Ads

Get your Tweets and your account in front of more people who may be interested in your business by using Twitter Ads!

– Tailored your Audience
You are able to target the audience you want to reach by selecting it before the ads go live.

– Promote
Promote your account on Twitter to connect with new followers and promote your Tweets. This allows you to put your message in front of a new audience.

– Pay only when it works
Twitter will only charged you when there is a new follower on your Promoted Account or retweet, @reply, favourite or click on your Promoted Tweets.

How do Promoted Accounts work?

– Write a short description that explains why someone should follow your account. For example, you can call out the great content that you’re Tweeting out on a regular basis. Make sure you also include your business logo and a strong call to action.

– Once you create your Promoted Account, reach the people who are most likely to be interested in your business and therefore, more likely to want to follow your account. For example, you can connect with users who are interested in broad categories related to your business, or users who are similar to the followers of influencers in your industry.

– After you have defined these audiences, consider how you can tailor the messaging in your campaigns so that it is relevant for each group.
When you launch your Followers campaign, your Promoted Account will appear to the users you’ve targeted in the following places:

  • Home timeline
  • “Who to follow” widget on the right side of the Home and Notifications tabs
  • “Who to follow” widget on the right side of the People search results page
  • “Who to follow” widget on the right side of the Profile page

Twitter accounts must meet certain criteria in order to be eligible to participate in Twitter Ads.

Businesses with accounts in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, Ecuador, France, Germany, Guatemala, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States who are tweeting in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, German, Japanese, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish or Danish are eligible for our Twitter Ads Service.

Twitter prohibits ads targeted to, and advertiser accounts from countries subject to U.S. trade sanctions and other U.S. export control laws.

Protected Tweets – Twitter users can protect their Tweets in order to control who can view them. This setting is not currently supported within Twitter Ads. If your Tweets are protected and you are interested in advertising, you will first need to make your Tweets public from your Settings page. Please see About public and protected Tweets for details about making this change.

Deactivated accounts – Accounts cannot participate in Twitter Ads if they have been deactivated by their owner.

Suspended accounts – Accounts cannot participate in Twitter Ads if they are in a suspended state at the time they apply.

Twitter Ads policies

A bid is the amount you’re willing to pay per engagement for Promoted Tweet campaigns or per follow on Promoted Account campaigns. Each time your Promoted Tweet or Promoted Account is eligible to appear, an auction takes place between your ad and all other eligible ads. Your bid is one of the factors that determines whether your ad is displayed.

Introduction to the auction
Twitter’s auction model for Promoted Tweets and Promoted Accounts is designed to simplify your bidding experience. When you enter a maximum bid for a Twitter Ad, you will not pay that amount when you win a Promoted Tweet or Promoted Account auction. Instead, you will only pay one penny above the second place advertiser’s quality-adjusted bid. The industry jargon for this model is a second price auction.

What are best practices for setting my bids with Twitter?
To set your Promoted Account bid, it is helpful to think about how much a follower will be worth to you over the lifetime of your relationship with that user. You pay once for a follower, and you can then re-engage them over and over with your Tweets.

You should set your Promoted Tweet bid as your true, private value of an engagement based on your goals. Doing so will maximize the value of your campaign by helping you gain the optimal amount of impressions and engagements.

What is a quality adjusted bid?
In order to determine which ads to display on Twitter, we take into account both your bid and the quality score of your ad. A quality score is generally comprised of three broad elements, the three R’s:

Resonance: are consumers engaging with your Tweet? Do they retweet, favorite, or reply often?
Relevance: is your Tweet related to things a user is interested in?
Recency: is your Tweet fresh? Twitter is a real-time platform about what is happening now, so fresher tweets get higher priority.

How does a second price auction benefit me?
With a second price auction, you can bid what you truly believe a Tweet engagement or Account follow is worth to you without fear that you are overbidding, since you will never pay a penny more than the second place advertiser’s quality-adjusted bid. Bidding your true value will also allow you to avoid losing volume you should have won because you intentionally underbid to avoid paying too much.

How should a second price auction affect my bidding behavior?
If you aren’t already doing so, you should begin setting your bids as your true, private value of an engagement or follow. Doing so will maximize the value of your campaign by ensuring you gain the optimal amount of impressions without having to worry about overpaying at a high bid level. With a second price auction, you benefit by not having to spend time anticipating other advertisers’ bids. Instead, you can focus on your marketing objectives and fine-tuning your account and Tweets to engage consumers.

What bid guidance can Twitter provide me?
When you create a campaign or click into a campaign to edit it, a suggested bid will appear next to the maximum bid once you enter a campaign budget, daily budget, and campaign start / end dates. If you change your campaign budget or daily budget, their suggested bid will update accordingly. Until you enter a maximum bid yourself, the maximum bid will automatically be filled in with the mid-point of the bid guidance.

How do we determine bid guidance?
We look at how you performed in recent auctions and the budgeting on your campaign. We then suggest the bid range that is likely to help you spend your target budget each day and in the time they’ve allocated for their campaign.

Will this guarantee that I can deliver my full campaign or daily budget?
Our bid guidance is an educated recommendation based on our internal algorithms. While they will help you bid more effectively, we cannot guarantee that your campaign will deliver in full or that you will spend through your daily budget. For example, if auctions become more competitive, this guidance will be too low and your client will need to raise their bids to spend through their budget.

Can I bid outside of the range?
Absolutely! Bid guidance is intended to be a helpful suggestion. You are always free to bid any value you like that is at or above the minimum bid of $0.01 per engagement.

34% of marketers have generated leads using Twitter

46% of Twitter users find that Twitter Ads are effective

With Twitter, followers are likely to purchase and recommend your products or services to others. Our Twitter marketing services help you to increase brand awareness, connect with customers and future potential buyers. Feel connected with your customers today.

Engage us if you are looking to establish a basic twitter presence or a fully integrated Twitter Marketing packages.