Global business is now a trend and the idea is the game changer in business world. However, the economic benefits of a global economy do not come without challenges. When doing business abroad, understanding the language and cultural differences are parts of the outreach strategies. Language, in particular, plays a significant role when we do business abroad. Hence, equip yourself with the knowledge of certain native language is one of the sensible steps when you expand your business to overseas. Apart from learning the native language to make the conversation easier, getting your contents translated is also important to ensure the success of your overseas business.
What Are Your Translation Options?
There are two types of translations available when a business wants to translate a piece of content: machine translation or professional translation service.
As the name implies, machine translation involves translation tools, such as Google Translate, which is easy-to-use, free, and provide instant translation. However, machine translation only provides basic translations and may not completely accurate.
On the other hand, professional translation services are translation done by professional translators who are native or fluent speakers- high-quality translated contents [at certain fees] is the result of this translation service.
When Do You Need Malay Translation Service?
The native language in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei is the Malay language. In addition, the Malay language is one of four official languages of Singapore. As such, it is one of the widely used languages in Southeast Asia where 40 million people speak it natively across the Malacca Strait.
If you plan to venture into any of these countries, competent Malay business translations are important for successful operations in those countries especially if it involves dealings between major corporations or huge amount of money or capital. Many times, businesses must deal with the translation of business and legal documents into Malay language. These translations entail a number of critical elements that may not be found in many other translation categories. Contents that may fall in the category of business or legal translation include patent documents, depositions, contracts, application letters, birth certificates, strategy guides, marketing and advertising, and even financial statements.
Benefits of Working with Professional Translation Services
When referring to our professional Malay translation services, clients mostly ask us why they should choose us over machine translation. Moreover, they also ask why they should partner with a professional translator because let us be honest, translation seems easy.
Well, it is not. The work isn’t as simple as many think it is. Here are the benefits of hiring IT Solution Singapore as your Malay translation services provider.
First, Machine Translation will Never Compare to Human Translation
Some argue it does, but you will notice only translation software developers say so. Well, we are not saying machine translation is completely out of the question, but you are better off not using it for official purposes.
You see, language is one of the most complex things that a human mind can process. There are thousands of rules, syntax, word choices, grammar, and many other factors that affect how the text looks like.
None of the machine translation software can compare to the broad human mind. Their text looks robotic; they are good options only for quick reference to a language you don’t know (for example, Google translation). On the other hand, you can also use machine translation for personal purposes, say, Instagram posts.
But when it comes to formal writing, for example, press release, web copywriting, etc, you can’t trust machine translation. They will only convert words, but not the tune or the emotions in the source text.
Accurate and Polished Translation
We have both English and Malay language graduates and experts. They have gone through rigorous training and programs to become registered translators and thus, they do more than just convert words.
Our translators will carefully consider your source text and read it a lot of times to capture the tune and emotions. After the translation, we send the piece to our proofreading team who again, will read the source text and make final tweaks. Only then we send the text back to you.
This way, your translation will capture everything in the source text. And of course, there won’t be room for translation errors.
You Get a Peace of Mind When Working with Professional Translation Services
There won’t be corrections or any other work on your part. IT Solution Singapore will take care of everything.
Say you used machine translation. After the software translation is complete, you would have to go through the text looking for errors. Moreover, if your team’s skillset doesn’t primarily lie in language, it would be difficult for you to ensure the translation is a hundred percent accurate.
We can save your time and effort. You can rather dedicate yourself to your core business activity. Additionally, we have a big team and can handle bulk projects; so, no matter the size of the work, you can depend on IT Solution Singapore’s professional Malay translation services.
Your Reviews Matter to Them
This is why you work with a registered corporation and not with someone who claims to be a language expert without anything backing up the claim.
We are a leading corporation in the field of IT, Digital Marketing, and Content Writing Services in Asia. Our team understands that not being able to cater to our client’s needs will make it very difficult for us to sustain the competitive field.
Thus, we give our best, in every means possible to guarantee our client’s satisfaction. This doesn’t only refer to our talented pool of writers and translators but also our affordable prices. After all, no one is going to believe us if we only talk the talk but not do the work, will they?
We Offer Good Malay Translation Service
Just like many other Asian languages, good English to Malay translation service requires not only a good level of proficiency of the Malay language, but translator must be able to capture the nuances of the document and convey the exact meaning from the source language. IT Solution is here to provide exceptional Malay translation services with our professional translators. They are able to understand and accurately translate to and from Malay language, and thus come up with the highest-quality translated contents. We provide specialized Malay translation service and related business services to a number of industries. Contact us whenever you need the Malay translation services!