Electronic waste disposal is one of the greatest challenges that we are facing in the modern technological era. As a matter of fact, e-waste disposal in Singapore is going to be very important as strict regulations will be implemented in the coming years.
As technology advances constantly and at a rapid rate, electronic devices and technologies become obsolete very quickly. Furthermore, individuals and businesses must keep up with new technologies to keep up with the competition. Therefore, millions of electronic devices are retired from service every day because of damage or due to the availability and need of a better option.
It is to be noted that the generation of electronic waste has drastically increased since the beginning of this century. Personal computers and mobile phones have become a common requirement for general people. Similarly, in recent times, middle and upper-class households use several types of machines for cooking, refrigeration, washing, and heating. Likewise, there is a common practice among people to replace old devices with new ones as soon as possible, especially in the case of mobile phones.
Risks of Improper E-Waste Disposal
Improper disposal of electronic waste is a risky business, both for the company and the environment. Here is a brief description of how your electronic waste is degrading the environment and simultaneously putting you at risk.
Risks to the Environment
Electronic devices contain toxic materials like cadmium, mercury, and lead which can degrade the quality of the soil. Likewise, these corrosive elements can cause metal poisoning in plants and animals. Furthermore, a large quantity of these materials may transfer from landfills to water bodies. This causes degradation of groundwater and freshwater resources, hampering both human and aquatic lives.
Risks to the Business
When we think of the adverse effects of electronic wastes, we tend to forget the risks associated with companies themselves. In the case of environmental footprint, dumping a high amount of electronic waste may result in huge fines and the image of the company will be diminished. Similarly, improper disposal and handling of data storage devices and servers.
Furthermore, the lack of recycling and reusing electronics creates a growing demand for raw materials to produce new products. The mining of metals also has severe consequences for the environment as it can cause erosions, contamination of land and water, and loss of biodiversity.
Our Services
Recycle and Reuse Services
Recycling and reusing are some of the most effective methods of proper disposal of electronic waste. An outdated electronic device may contain different types of components and materials. Much of these components can be extracted and reused for other applications. For components that cannot be reused, they can be sent to recycling centers so that they can be prepared for the production of other products.
Disposal of Data Storage Devices
Data storage devices are some of the most critical assets of your company. They may contain private data about your organization or your customers. Before you choose to upgrade your storage systems, you must make sure that the data is transferred securely to a new device. Likewise, you should securely destroy all the remnants of your old data in your old system. IT Solution Singapore promises highly secure data transfer and destruction services so that your critical data is safe from illegal theft.
Disposal of Energy Storage Devices
Proper disposal of energy storage devices like batteries is a critical task after you have decided to decommission your equipment. Since they possess risks of explosion and fire, seeking help from a proper e-waste disposal firm will be extremely beneficial.
World Class E-Waste Disposal Services With IT Solution
IT Solution is a frontrunner company with significant knowledge and experience in electronic waste disposal. Our state-of-the-art services will make sure that any electronic waste from your company will cause no harm to both the company and the external environment. Furthermore, our affordable rates will relieve you from the stress of stretching your budget.
Hope you have learned why e-waste disposal is going to be crucial for businesses throughout the world. For more inquiries, contact us for your E-Waste Disposal needs, and our team would be glad to help you. You are one step away from building a prosperous future for your company, while helping the environment as well.