IT Auditing Services

To elevate your productivity in the IT department, we are offering top-grade IT Auditing Services that entail a systematic examination of your infrastructure. Our specialists will scrutinize each nook and cranny of your IT system to certify that it is performing in accordance with technology’s current demands.

How Do We Do This?

First, we will be assessing your reports and conduct initial checks to gauge your infrastructure’s capabilities. Upon familiarizing with your system, we can then perform a thorough inspection to determine the core risks you need to mitigate. We will then classify and prioritize the most essential components down the line. Of course, our team will make sure that your system is foolproof, so expect transparent, complete, and objective reports from us. At IT Solution, we have the top IT auditors in Singapore — expect professional, warranted reviews when you hire us.

We exercise impartiality upon relaying our perspectives. This ensures that you only get genuine and honest findings from us.

Wide-ranging IT evaluations include:

  • Monitoring whether you meet IT infrastructure requirements
  • Verifying if you meet industry standards
  • Reviewing operating system security (including NT, W200x, UNIX, processors)
  • Testing of internet connection and firewall
  • Internal software reviews
  • Database assessments (including Oracle, ingress, SQL Server)
  • Checking other internal solutions like backup protocols and disaster recovery systems
  • Evaluating scalability prospects for your future endeavors
  • Validation of component configuration in accordance with the Bill of Materials and Configuration Document
  • Spotting potential risks that could impact your productivity
  • Implementing dependable solutions to remove or minimize threats
IT audits help businesses determine and identify whether current IT controls protect their business assets

Our responsibilities also include validating of component’s performance ability and scalability options to ensure project’s non-functional requirements can be met. Validate the setup and configuration of each component to ensure correctness and completeness according to the Bill of Materials and Configuration Document and lastly, identify problem areas and/or highlight potential key risk areas.