Web Development

Check out our frequently asked questions for Website Development. If you have any enquiry that is not stated here, do feel free to CONTACT US. We’d be happy to assist you.

We will try our best to work according to your timeline and before deciding a deadline, we take into account the scope of work and your urgency to get the website up and running. Usually, a simple website should take around 4 working weeks, whereas a more complex website can take more than 6 working weeks. We can provide an accurate timeline once your requirements are communicated and the job scope is finalised.

Thank you for choosing our service. First of all, you will have to provide your domain name to us and send us a summary of your requirements and expectations from the website you intent to create. Next, we will create an initial design of the website mockup pages as per your requirements. We will rectify, review and edit the pages until you are satisfied with the end results (For the available rounds of revision, please refer to the Web Site development package details). Lastly, we will start designing the final version of your website once you have forwarded us all the images and written contents of your web site.

Customization of the selected website theme requires extra time and cost. Any additional functions for the website are chargeable. Contact Us to find out more.

Do not hesitate to reach us if you have any enquiry

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